Margarete Jahrmann

AAA Profiler – Eine Virale Seeding-Box für Artificial Artist Avatars

Eröffnung: 24.03.2011, 18:00 - 21:00 Uhr (DigitalerDonnerstag)
Ausstellungsdauer: 25.03.2011 - 04.06.2011
Öffnungszeiten: 10:00 - 22:00
Ort: Schauraum Angewandte - quartier 21 im MQ, Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien


Fotocredits: Margarete Jahrmann

The Triple-A Profiler is a Guerrilla Reputation Management (GRM) experiment by
Margarete Jahrmann, in cooperation with Fares Kayali and Josef Schuh.
This installation tests the potential of social media networks as reputation substitutes
in arts and research through Produsage (see Prosumers). In a viral seeding box of reputation, consisting of a critical mobile gaming “fun-ware” and a live intervention in the form of
an Augmented Reality performance, it frames individual agency, in order to support
the emergence of a collective Triple-A artists.

Follow @LudiciaC on Twitter!

Opening: 24.03.2011, 06:00 - 09:00 p.m. Duration: 25.03.2011 - 04.06.2011 Opening hours: 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.Location: quartier 21, im MQ, Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien

AAA Profiler –
That Subliminal Kid Photo Booth

Subliminal messages subtly persuade us. Sometimes the subliminal message is what is implied and not spoken consciously. (Burroughs, W. S., 1964. Nova Express)

William S. Burroughs celebrated and suffered from paranoia in new media. His novel Nova Express described the mechanisms of subversive propaganda in the world of consumerism. Extraterrestrial manipulators feed subliminal messages, which affect the subconscious within milliseconds, into electronic media, electromagnetic waves, radio and TV. „The evil mob beams back to earth....“ (1964:82). As artist, Burroughs develops a new method of experimental Cut-Up, he filters and recombines media contents as personal counter-strategy to the subliminal invasion of viral propaganda.

The AAA Profiler installation provides a background curtain for portrait images — it is a particular kind of a photo booth for subliminal public microblogging with image uploads. Just download the „AAA“ App from the itunes App store (Android Version under development) and take a photo of the pattern-codes on site – best including your face or profile. The pattern-designs You Accept, You Submit, You SignIn, You Retweet, You Poke, You Follow, You Shoot... call up messages, apply Cut-Up methods and broadcast and Retweet them on the fly in microblogs as Twitter.

„The prophets of mythopoieia beam back to social networks and viral propaganda!“ (Jahrmann, 2011. In: Ludic Society Xtra issue, (eds.) Jahrmann/Felderer. Pervasive Propaganda Plays, Vienna)

In order to identify the AAA Profiler –That Subliminal Kid Photo booth as subliminal communications-guerrilla practice, it equally addresses the qualities of a tool and of propaganda to generate emerging Fake-Identities. The Triple-A Profiler critically questions Produsage (Bruns 2008), the idealised collective content production and subversive reputation management systems in arts and online networks.
Come in and see the messages behind Sign In, Retweet und Befriend!

This Prosumer experiment is developed in cooperation with Fares Kayali and Josef Schuh. Video: Eugen Danzinger. Codes: Max Moswitzer. Theoretical support Brigitte Felderer. Textilprint made in collaboration with Textiltechnologie dieAngewandte.

Follow @Ludiciac on Twitter!

Download the free „AAA“ app from the itunes App store.


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