Curation: Ruth Schnell and Tommy Schneider

Eröffnung: 03.12.2015, 19:00 (The artist will be present)
Ausstellungsdauer: 04.12.2015 - 24.01.2016
Öffnungszeiten: 10:00 - 22:00
Ort: Schauraum Angewandte - quartier 21 im MQ, Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien


© Nicolaj Kirisits 2015

Polyrhythmic architecture is a kinetic architectural model where the individual space-forming elements can be rotated by 90 degrees. This allows for two different space compositions; in the crossover from one spatial state to the other, the elements move at a different pace, which leads to a polyrhythmic room sequence.
The goal of this work is to translate a rhythmic idea into a spatial structure without giving up its time-based dynamics.

Nicolaj Kirisits studied Architecture (Technical University, Vienna) and Electronic Music and New Media (University of Music and Applied Art, Vienna)
2002 Margarethe Schütte Lihotzky Scholarship for the project “amaze” . Since 1997, various projects and participation in diverse exhibitions (mmw steim, nime06 ircam, ars electronica, File Festival Rio de Janeiro, Best of Wohnbau AZW NewYork, etc.) in the realm of architecture, media art, and sound art.

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